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Pretoria Jacaranda photography in October, South Africa

Pretoria Jacaranda photography in October, South Africa

Pretoria Jacaranda photography in October, South Africa

Pretoria Jacaranda time means year-end. Study time and a race to deliver work. The purple trees symbolize exams. If a Jacaranda leaf falls on your head, it is good luck. Jacaranda photography in October is a splash of purple in the streets.

Sunrise in the Jacaranda streets of Pretoria
Jacaranda Purple blue sky

The Jacaranda trees bloom,
You see a Purple, pink colour pop driving through the leafy suburbs,

It is colourful, fresh with the summer sun in between the summer rain.

It is a race to the end of the year with plenty of work and load shedding to juggle. Happy, warm days in South Africa.

Sunny Summer days
A splash of Jacaranda Colour

It’s been a colourful month.
Enjoying the last bit of the Jacaranda month in Pretoria.

Pretoria Jacaranda photography in October, South Africa
Pretoria Jacaranda time means year-end
The purple trees symbolize exams
If a Jacaranda leaf falls on your head, it is good luck.
Jacaranda photography in October is a splash of purple in the streets.
Enjoying the last bit of the Jacaranda month in Pretoria.
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Francois Pistorius

I create visual content and write punchy words for your brand.