Read more about the article Barramundi fish barbecue with tropical flames fire cooked in the Pretoria rain.
Barramundi fish barbecue with tropical flames fire cooked in the Pretoria rain.

Barramundi fish barbecue with tropical flames fire cooked in the Pretoria rain.

Barramundi fish barbecue with tropical flames fire cooked in the Pretoria rain. Christmas in Pretoria is warm. The humidity brings daily rain. We lit up the fire for a tropical fish braai over Christmas with fresh fish. Fire cooked fish has a smoky taste that pairs well with fish. A barramundi fish barbecue in the tropical rain is delicious.

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Moody Ocean Photography

Low light Photography in South Africa

Low light Photography in South Africa Low light photography is moody and unique and set the mood for your story. Using dim lighting as a photographer immediately creates atmosphere and feeling. Often low lighting images don't have strong highlights or sharp lighting present.

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Read more about the article Travelling winter light shining through a glass of Viognier.
Viognier white wine

Travelling winter light shining through a glass of Viognier.

Winter light, Viognier and checkered pannacotta on the West Coast.

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Read more about the article Sipping white wine on South African winter days
Sipping white wine in South Africa

Sipping white wine on South African winter days

Sipping white wine on South African winter days Glass of WineA sip of wine for an Autumn Monday.What is your favourite autumn and winter wine?Over the years of living in…

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