A hiking weekend away from the city and devices is bliss. It takes a bit of planning, but the experience is so worth it. The moment you arrive, you feel calm and quiet.
A Hiking weekend and nature photography in South Africa. Nature surrounds you. There is no power, just a fireplace and your led headlight. The stars spread out above, and the conversation flows next to the crackling firewood.
Fascinating resilience of nature.
Colourful, broken-winged, but flying around without a care in the world.
Rock Art, Spanish Inspired design
Amazing nature.
Spanish looking art photographed on rocks in the heart of Africa.
A month away,
After two years.
It’s time to feel the West Coast sand on my feet.
Walk Out of the Red zone into nature.
Switch off your devices,
Put on a backpack and hike into the mountains.
Surrounded by nature, you notice every detail as you climb up and down into nature.
Walk Out of the Red zone into quiet space.
A simple weekend in the bush recharges and inspires.