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Hiking and nature photography in South Africa

Hiking and nature photography in South Africa

Hiking and nature photography in South Africa

A hiking weekend away from the city and devices is bliss. It takes a bit of planning, but the experience is so worth it. The moment you arrive, you feel calm and quiet. 

A Hiking weekend and nature photography in South Africa. Nature surrounds you. There is no power, just a fireplace and your led headlight. The stars spread out above, and the conversation flows next to the crackling firewood.


Hiking and nature photography in South Africa


Fascinating resilience of nature.

Colourful, broken-winged, but flying around without a care in the world.

Hiking and nature photography in South Africa

Rock Art, Spanish Inspired design

Amazing nature.

Spanish looking art photographed on rocks in the heart of Africa.

A month away,

After two years.

It’s time to feel the West Coast sand on my feet.


Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa

Walk Out of the Red zone into nature.

Switch off your devices, 

Put on a backpack and hike into the mountains.

Surrounded by nature, you notice every detail as you climb up and down into nature.

Walk Out of the Red zone into quiet space.

Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa

A simple weekend in the bush recharges and inspires.

Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
Hiking and nature photography in South Africa
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Francois Pistorius

I create visual content and write punchy words for your brand.